Today I’m breaking down comic artists dependency on social media. Class 1 uses social media the least, class 10 uses it the most. These are all written as platonic ideals/dopey caricatures. Assume all are operating at the top of their game and make a sustainable living from how they operate.
Gosh it means a lot to know you enjoy my youtube content to that point 😭❤️
I nut every time I see you upload a video with Volo.
As intended then, GOOD ❤️
That time he was working the snack stand 😩
You know what I was doing with that 👀❤️
You know what I wanted it to lead to 👀
FAT Volo eating a Fat sandwich
Some deep lore: I have translation credits to my name. I think this information makes this post a little bit funnier.
If you're looking for giveaway updates, we're currently at 4 shares on my Otaku Cafe post. If we get to 15 by April 9th, requests turn on. More info at the bottom of the post: