starts with a recolor, ends with discovering a HEAPING PILE OF TOS VIOLATIONS
Happened to be in a comic book store after reading your Apple Black pieces and found the first volume. It's so good so far! I'm excited to read more.
Dude I'd love to hear your take on Apple Black. If anyone could convince me it's alright, I know its you 🤝
Either way I appreciate you reading my posts, thank you!
It’s been a fun, flippant read so far. The more I read your posts the more I doubt my assessment though. Maybe I’m too easily impressed by creative character design. We’ll see how I feel when I finish volume 1.
Happened to be in a comic book store after reading your Apple Black pieces and found the first volume. It's so good so far! I'm excited to read more.
Dude I'd love to hear your take on Apple Black. If anyone could convince me it's alright, I know its you 🤝
Either way I appreciate you reading my posts, thank you!
It’s been a fun, flippant read so far. The more I read your posts the more I doubt my assessment though. Maybe I’m too easily impressed by creative character design. We’ll see how I feel when I finish volume 1.