I greatly appreciate you taking your time to review my work!! This review is extremely helpful and will definitely be taken into consideration. I’m currently rebranding and also began drawing for myself. So I will definitely be reaching out when I’m done with my new work. Again this is what I needed and thank you again!

Matthew Jones

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Whoah, I'm pleasantly surprised to see you're on Substack! Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to read my post. I'm glad the critique can be taken with a good attitude, especially since my tastes are pretty nitpicky.

Good luck with the rebrand, I'm excited to see what you make next. And I'll be ready to write another review anytime - feel free to reach out whenever! Thank you again!

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Saddle up for Sablecon! 🐬🐎🐬

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Wait lemme try again. What about:

Sabble up for Sabblecon

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🀠 Saddle up for Sablecon!

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